Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mean Girls; my analysis of teenage gangs

below: the cast of the show gossip girl. this show is based on drama and lies,
another perfect example of mean girls in action

Mean Girls.

I could leave this blog at that and have a million girls, teenagers and women know what i'm talking about.

I don't know if guys notice this type of behavior in girls or not, or if some girls notice it in themselves. I myself can honestly say that in high school, I was lucky enough to have a group of friends that was not into drama, or maybe we were not cool enough to be into it. Here are some things that I have noticed in mean girls:

1.Chasing "drama." Websters online dictionary defines drama as, "A state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces." For whatever reason, girls like to be a part of this. I feel that it gives them some sort of mental high. They are happy when they are mad, it makes them feel in power because girls are supposed to be dainty. This is a way that they can show their assertiveness in this way, maintaining their "girliness," but satisfying that need for power and aggression.

2. Attract attention. I feel that they have a need for attention in any sense. A girl could even fake what she is doing, acting or feeling so that others may notice her. She feels good when people talk about her, and her alone. She may take things that are little and blow them out of proportion, and skew the truth to others so that she looks like the victim. She may do things that are negative towards others, and let others know, so that the public realizes that she shows no fear. etc. Girls will do many things for attention, and to be talked about. For those girls who are not in the "it crowd," they may want to do something to get attention so that people will notice them in hopes of getting in with the "it crowd".

3. Mean girls may not know that they are doing these things. I feel that most mean girls are caught up in these actions of deliberately sabotage others that they never think about what they are actually doing, as stated before, it is like a high that they are in, or a trance, they are dazed, their rational thinking is confused. They do these things they feel like because it's the "right thing to do" or the thing to to for their benefit. These girls may be a part of a clique and feel so good from that sense of belonging, and never question what the leader is making them do. All they know is that from past experiences, this type of behavior feels good.

above: this generic pic portrays girls being mean to another one. they aren't doing anything,
but any girl who sees this pic knows that something nasty is going on
4. The meanest girls know what they are doing. These are the ones that you have to watch out for. These girls are not under the impression of following others, rather they are the leaders. They may be doing this because:
a. They like to be followed by other girls
b. They love the power
c. They are making up for something that is missing in their life.
These girls are rarely happy in the notion that you and I know it. They gain happiness through the pain and suffering that others feel because of them. They have blocked emotion and feeling bad for those of their sufferers. They will test the loyalty of those who are their followers, just for fun.

Does that sound familiar?

To me, cliques are like gangs. I know people may think that this may be the extreme, but they have all the same characteristics. Loyalty, a leader who is never questioned, one carry outs missions to feel the praise of others, as well as to feel a closer bonding of a group, many people are "hazed" through this process. Not all teenage cliques are this extreme, or violent, but at one point in time, they portrayed some sort of aggression/ "meanness" towards another group of people or person.

lets take a look from the movie trailer of mean girls.

This clip sums up the school semester of a teenage girl. Regina is the queen bee, and threatened by Cady, who is honest. Towards the middle, Cady understands what it takes to be a part of the group, and what it takes for her to maintain her "status" she even plays dumb, for a boy (lowering herself for a boy, she must play the innocent female who is being saved by a boy) the two girls never fight, or even get in an argument, but we all know that these girls do not like each other. Frenemies in the truest form.

This behavior isn't just something that is seen in little girls and hormonal teenagers, adults do it too. This makes me think that people being "high school" is a state of being, and not a phase of school. Watch this clip from the bad girls club.

You will get more analysis if you watch the show. However, this small clip and what the girl comment about how natalie always sys she runs LA, who is she trying to convince? us or her? This is an interesting line, because it poses the thought, maybe Natalie is just an insecure person who needs to show and act out in aggression. Through out the season, these girls act out the same way as the characters do in mean girls, reinforcing the notion of "high school" is something that continues way after.

I feel like this type of behavior is in girls because of gender stereotypes. Girls are not supposed to be physical or loud. They are supposed to be dainty. As a result of this, they let out their agression in different ways. Men do it physically, women do it mentally. They play mind games with each other, which in my perspective is more hurtful than anyother kind of pain. A girl will play and twist the mind of another girl, and teachers may not notice. Friends may know whats going, on but be so caught up in the drama that they might not care.

But maybe im just saying that because I don't want to be definied as a mean girl, or someone who was a "bitch". But I feel like I can honestly say that I wasn't. however it is something that I will never know.
I can say this however, since entering college, I can definitely say that I have expirenced more rumores, hurtfulness and "mean girl syndrome" then i can ever remember having in my life. I don't understand why this is. but having had this expirence finally in my life, and seen girls be mean to other girls, i feel that now, I am able to comment on how women are.

above: Hidi form the hills. not a mean girl. She is a wanna be mean girl. She would be the girl that is mean.
I suspect she acts the way she does because of how girls treated her in the past. she would fit into number 3

So what does this all mean? what do we do with this information? For me, I just want you to know, how some girls are. How they act and behave. Perhaps this will stop the cycle of meanness that this society has towards each other. Also, being a victim of meanness, I want to say that it hurts really bad, and sometimes people may not intend to be that mean, but I think as a general rule, just don't do it. Kidding around is one thing, if you know the person, but there is a fine line between that and being mean.

Do I think that girls will stop? No. But maybe we can start a diologe about it. I feel that this is really the only way to solve the problem for girls. Because of the fact that it is more of a mental thing and a psychological fight more then anything else, that is the way it can be countered. It will take a slow process of course, but I feel strongly that one of the ways to diffuse this is by breaking down gender steryotypes.

Signing off for now, hope you are more in the know ->kime p

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spotlight: The Loony Goons, Future Super Stars

below: Terron (right) and Mark (left) the duo that make up the Loony Goons

When going to MSU, I was surprised to find a growing local hip hop artist around. This was something that I was exposed to a bit in high school, but not at this level or vigor. The first people of the Hip hop seen that I ever meet were the Loony Goones, a group comprising of two rappers, Terron and Mark. These guys were down to earth, real personable, and wrote about things they knew. Their name is catchy, and it makes you want to know a little bit more.

The Loony Goons are hard working individuals. As any local band or artist knows, it takes a while to know how to do the things that famous people pay others to do. The mark of an artist, or any famous person is the drive and determination of getting noticed. For example, they have had concerts on campus in the CSU ballroom several times, and have performed with Mike Jones. In fact, this Friday, they will be in Kosota performing again. They manage to do this and go to school and make money with jobs that support their craft.
There is so much I could say about them, but I think that the music should speak for themselves. Here is their latest song called Ima Beast. Listen carefully to the tunes and the music transitions, as well as the main beat.

Think about this: if this is the qualitly music that college students are making now, imigine when they hit the big scene. This is just a sample of their work. The Loony Goons are true artist in the since that they are able to free style on a minutes notice. I have sat with them several times just hanging out, and seen the guys begin to rap about any and everything around them. This is not a fabricated music band, or just for show, but something that comes from both of them. This rap duo didn't just want to be rappers to be cool, but they realized that this was a great way to compose their craft, and share with others their thoughts, feelings, and just have fun.
Above. Mark (left) and Terron (right) up stage for the Mike Jones concert. This pic was taken in the moment. Notice their Dedication.

This group also knows how to network. In a place such as Mankato, one would think it would be hard for those to have a chance to show off their artistic works to those of the outside. But these two have made it seem effort less with tall the gigs they have. The fact that they have performed in the cities as well as other areas around Mankato, shows their dedication. Many college students cannot say that they have been able to release an album mixtape.

They realize their fan base, and stay true to their roots.

If you like thier music, or want to know more information, long on and check out their facebook page

Monday, April 5, 2010

A self reflection. Through my mirror of ASA

Below: me and some of the Girls From ASA 2009 entrance

Since my freshmen year, I have been involved in African Student Association. In the beginning, I was so afraid to go to the meetings by myself. But after a while I became comfortable with going there, and eventually talking to people. I'm the type of person that likes to be heavily involved and take part in activities; when I do something I give 100 percent. It is best for one to challenge one's self, and seeing fellow Africans doing positive works for others made me want to follow in their example. Gradually, I became more open, and eventually running for ASA board with others. The time and experience is something that I cherish with others and I wish it could last forever. I am running For ASA president, and I feel that for others to understand why, I must show them the reflection of how I see me throughout this process.

I have seen myself growing, learning and loving what I have gotten from this experience. The thirst for knowledge never stops, and ASA to me is an oasis that I cannot get away from.
My thoughts, experiences and feelings have lead me to this point right now in life; may it be fate, destiny or coincidence, I am here. The hard work that Our ASA president and Vice president have done has made me want to work harder. When assistance was needed, I wanted to be the first person there, not for any self gain, but for the better of this association. Through trails and tribulations, I have felt pride in this association that I know many members have. Being on the ASA board this semester has brought me joy like no other, it was my oasis, the pool of ASA family members surrounded me during times in need.

How would one ever want to leave this?

I hope.

I hope for so many things; The history of this word has slipped through the lips of so many others before me and this word is my best friend. The hope that I have in ASA is expanding every day, the confidence and assurance that WE can do anything... Our hard work has paid off. I am an optimistic person. I see things for how they are and the potential of what they are.
I am also my worst critic, especially when it comes to the service of others. There has been times when I have gotten out of line.

And for that I am deeply ashamed and sorry.

I examine my character in every possible angle for the family that raised me. I want them to be proud, I want to do more.
above: Monet's famous Nympheas painting. to me this is a visual of emotions.

I have grown.

For those who were there from the beginning, you may not remember the quiet girl sitting in the back corner, but slowly a community, no, a family appeared. This girl would never imagine who she would become. The changes, and constants in her is made her who she is now. Today that women looks back and can genuinely say that she is proud. Proud of what and who she has become, of the personal struggles that have happened in her life that she has persevered through. With every stumble fall and brake, she stood up.

These Emotions.

If only it were so simple to explain the emotions of a person, the reaction of every word uttered; the process that my brain goes through. Negativity hits me like a long nail in my heart. The intent of someone is clear through their facial expressions, their tone of voice and the way of talking. And when you do not see the intent, sometimes the words may hurt. We are all humans, we laugh and we cry. We become broken and we become fixed. Words have power, and with them, I am still learning how to harness the potential that I see others have managed. Some may use that power for the best, for personal gain or for the worst, I wish to use that for the betterment of ASA.
There has been frustrating moments in ASA when I felt that if I could only touch that person and they could feel the urgency of a task. With every phrase I utter, there is a lifetime of meaning behind It. Some say I am harsh, I don't listen to others, and that my personality is one that they could go without. I understand these concerns, and these are inner struggles that I am working on. Again, intentions do not go across as how they may have been planned. I do not intend to be rude.

I value honesty.

Perhaps this is where my harshness comes from. Since I was a little girl, I have watched many people become hurt time and time again because of lies. This is my truest value that I see in myself. I value 100 percent honesty No matter how harsh. To me, there are different kinds of lies. Cheating on a test, telling someone something that may not be the truth, doing something that may make others look dishonest, going around the truth, saying things or doing things that seam as though what you are doing or saying are the truth... and so on. Of course we are all humans, and all of us have messed up time and time again. But one of the things that I feel is important to the honesty process is admitting when you are wrong, made a mistake about something, or someone. I am no saint to this. Yet, I strive to achieve this, and I desperately want others to be honest with me, especially if they feel that I have wronged them.

My story.

I want others to know about me from me, whatever you might have heard may not be true. You who are reading this are getting a better insight. I believe conversation and dialog is the best way to exchange ideas, and express feelings. What one might think of me based on the judgements, comments may not be true. Neither I can fully judge someone without putting myself in their place, understanding their challenges, where they are in life, etc. However, we don't get to explain our life experience after giving a sentence. So my goal now is to utter each word with such justice, people will understand my every word, meaning, and feel the hint of why I said it, what life experiences brought me to this point.
The ASA poster for this year Africa Night. Made by our vice president

I am here for school, that is my brain, But ASA is my heart. This is something that will never leave me. I cannot choose one without the other, and I need two to function. Using the knowledge that I have acquired in school and through life, I am now able to run for president; and with your support, I know that I will fulfil the post to the best of my ability and beyond

signing off for now, kime p... until next time