Saturday, September 4, 2010



There are several things that annoy the hell out of me. I could make a list that is so long explaining what they are, and I have decided that I will. Why? In hopes that someone who commits these annoying crimes will STOP. Or, if you see them being done you can tell the person to stop. Here it goes my fellow readers:
1o. being alternative for the sake of being alternative
I don’t feel like I need to do anything else than this: people pretend to do things just to be different. These people do this to brake away from the “social norm,” however, they if anything add to it. My advice to those who want to be different for the sake of being different: be yourself! Nothing is worse than being something that you are not.
9. Hanging up with not saying goodbye
I don’t think I need to say any more about this. It’s annoying and stupid. Especially if you hear me say buy and you just hang up. It’s so weird. It makes it weirder if I don’t say buy and you hang up. And its’ not like “ I’ll talk you later.” It’s like, “ I got to go.” Then I hear the click of the phone.
8. Religion vs. science
This annoys me on several levels. Mostly my peers who are atheist or agnostic bashing those who believe in God. Many times they say things that are false about religion, and many times, people do it to be “cool.” The other part is those who are religious who do the same thing, and bash the others by saying negative things about those who do not believe in the same thing as them. For both of these, it annoys me how it seams that you have to choose one or the other, which is not true. I feel that these groups should not be “enemies,” I feel that religion and science compliments each other, if anything. I will write extensively about this topic in my next blog.
7. Dirty bathrooms
I think this is disrespectful and hideous. Especially when there is hair in the bathroom from the previous person. Please clean up after yourself. I feel that if the place that you want to clean yourself is not clean, then you will not be clean yourself. To me it’s a bit sad to see someone shower (wanting to get clean) in an unclean environment.
6. Bystander effect.
I recently was at an altercation where I felt that I was a victim, and the thing that surprised me at the end was that no one there tried to help me. The next day however, those who saw me in distress had the nerve to ask what happened. The first thing that came to my mind was how do these people have the nerve to ask when they already know? This upset me to no other, because they only wanted to gossip. As a psychology major, I immediately thought of the bystander effect, which can be defined as, “a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases where individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. The probability of help has in the past been thought to be inversely proportional to the number of bystanders; in other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help.” To me this was surprising because I never thought It would happen to me. Especially because the people that surrounded me I knew. The only person (besides my boyfriend) who even thought to come up and say what’s going on was someone whom I knew, but we did not talk on the regular. Looking back, I can never thank this person enough for this kindness, you know who you are, and I am forever in your debt.
5. Woe is me
This is annoying because it annoys me to no end when they start listing off all the things wrong with their life, or all the problems that they encounter. Sure everyone does that, but when you try to tell him or her that life will be ok, they tell you that its not and try to explain something else. They want to make you feel that their situation is the worst. A word of advice to these people: everyone has their demons, and personal problems that is hard for them to deal with, don’t sit there and complain and list off your horrible life just for people to feel sorry for you. If you want attention, this is not the way to go.
4. Calling me Waka flocka.
This is annoying because if you were someone I knew, and respected as a friend, you would understand that I don’t like that. Friends respect others, and when someone calls me something other than my name without my permission, I know it may seam funny, gut its soo annoying you have no idea. The more you call me something that I don’t approve of, the more you lose my respect.
3. Annoying newsfeeds on facebook
this one annoys the hell out of me because in my mind I’m thinking, if your grandma’s dying, why the HELL are you telling us? Go to the hospital. Or when people do things like “happy fathers day dad.” WHY are you telling us? Your dad is not your friend, he is your fucking parent, don’t tell us, and lets hope you are not telling him through facebook. And if you are, send it in a FUCKING message. Not everyone needs to know your personal business.
2. People telling me what I can and cannot do.
Don’t limit me. Not even to the sky. I am the person who makes the decision in my life so don’t be all over me.
1. Liars
This is the ultimate form of disrespect. If you cannot respect yourself enough to tell the truth, you are someone who I do not want to be with. To me, a person that lies is the ultimate form of disrespect, especially when they get caught in their lie, and continue to lie. I feel that there are many forms of lying, and its any form of dishonesty. If you are dishonest to someone about something, you are a liar, if you do something that puts someone at a disadvantage that they would normally not be in. Manipulating others to get something that another person should justly get, or have is a form of lying. I know lots of liars, and many times they think that they are discrete, which is a lie.

That is all my fellow readers! Now you know what annoys me, hopefully next time you see me, you'll know to stop :) stay tuned for my next blog coming up soon!

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