Monday, May 9, 2011

Thank you!

 I want to thank everyone who helped me graduate a success!  I can only thank my family so much; but now I want to thank a few people who have helped me out! if your not on this list don't feel bad, I could only thank so much!
To my home base:
Mahlet: I love you! can't wait to see you on Friday for yours. There is so much I could say, but you already know it all.I love all the nick names that we give random people and our weird conversations! xoxo
Shruti: You are the sane one of us! lets make plans to take over the world in about 20 years...  We will work out details in our secret meeting place! 
Swetha: Don't get mad that I listed Shurti before you lol! I cant wait to visit you this summer!  you have amazing taste in fashion I can understand your fashion sense more than Mahlets...
Its weird to know someone for half of their lives! I feel like I'm cheating putting you three on the list because you have become my sisters!
Jane: OMG! I love how you KNOW what I'm talking about even when everyone thinks I'm crazy! xxo hoot!
Paige: I love our skype conversations! I really want to go to Cali and visit you! we still need to record a song for our band!
All five of you are like family to me and I KNOW for a fact that we will be friends forever! Thanks for sticking with me, you all know my crazy personality and accept it as normal...
To my kato crew:
Sola: Thank you for everything. Thanks for being my best friend, it means so much to me you will never know... xoxo
Ruby: LIB! your honesty has helped me become more confident in myself! The days of step were amazing and I look forward to rollerblading with you!
Katie: I remember I first meet you in step and we were collecting cans for homecoming and then we bumped into Ruby and Salem!We were always on a mission! Glad you could make it here! You are so focused!
Salem: Always creative! remember those late nights? or when Mildred thought we had incense in your room? hmmmmm..... lol
I'm glad that all of us made it! it seams like yesterday we were sitting six in the back of a two door car.. xoxo
Sagel: Crazy and sane at the same time! I love our talks on the phone; or taking those poli sci classes online!
Winta: I LOVE YOU! thanks for keeping me sane this whole year! Love our random talks. You are so calm it is something that I strive to achieve! Hope we can hangout more this summer!

To my ASA family:
Thank you all for making this year a success! there are so many people who helped out. who made a difference and who grew! I love the dedication that some members put in! Thanks so much! and while I cannot thank everyone who ever came to the meetings! I would like to thank my board members from last year and this year!

Wendiinko: Mister connections! merci pour tous! tu m'as aide quand je le plus besoin... merci!
David: ahh baby dd look how much you have grown! Thanks for sticking with me! now you know what
perfection looks like! lol Congratulations on everything you are doing; I know you will go beyond the stars!
MoMo: Ill do this one in English! lol! thanks for helping me calm down when I just didn't want to! You taught me so much! I'm glad that we stayed in contact even after ASA! keep in touch and congrats!
Sheka: Thanks for helping me those random times. stay strong and focused and don't forget the people who supported you!
Milki: I'm glad that you didn't think I was too crazy during our board meetings! always calm, It helped us all relax, thanks!
Eji:It was fun showing those men who we really are! great ideas, thanks for a great year!
Kadia: I never felt bad being so honest, because I knew that you were too!  
Tenneyson: Mister VP! we put Liberia on the map this year! thanks for your help and honest opinions! being the only women was tough but i did it with your help!

ISA Family
All in! lol It would take FOREVER to type this to all the people. But you know who you are! Lets stay strong together this summer! And remember our family budget!  I still have to do a kitchen for everyone, if you are around this summer I def. will. We have GROWN so much, from the beginning of the retreat, to our spring break now to graduation! All of our cooking and discussions, talking and fun times! Wanna be dj's and poker faces! ISA 2010-2011 is an experience that can never be repeated; only we know how much it really means to us!
freaky fourth floor:
I never thought I would ever write about how much I loved the girls on my floor; but you really made my job sooo easy! All of you are crazy amazing! I love the late night talks and  attempting to clean up my room! good luck next year and hopefully you'll be able to use your study bucks! lol.

Once again thanks! to everyone else: you know you you are! You are amazing and from the bottom of my heart you have made this journey so better! 

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