Wednesday, June 29, 2011


  1. I just recently found out that FUBU is not an acronym of "For us By us"
  2. I google everything I want to know
  3. I have vivid dreams. It makes me feel that I would have been a priestess in a different life time
  4. I have a twin brother...or do I??
  5. I love cheese
  6. Mariah Carey is the best singer of all time! With my girl Christina coming in a close second.
  7. I suck at spelling... yet I have a blog
  8. Freshmen year of college I thought my Calves were not the same size 
  9. I invented the use of the word "craptastic" some time around middle-high school.
  10. I often wonder why do people go out of their way to hate others?
  11. I have a niece AND a nephew. I think they get their good looks from me. 
  12. My biggest secret: When I was little I wanted to be a sailor scout  SO bad! To this day I'm slightly disappointed that I'm not
  13. People think I'm a vegetarian. I usually let them believe this. 
  14. Google is better at catching my misspelled words then a word processor is. 
  15. "Randoms" is not a word.

Post your randoms! 

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