Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rant: The world is not ending, just breaking badly

2012, Earthquake in Haiti, flood in Pakistan, huge earthquake in Japan. Illuminati. Now the world is ending.
Come on really? let's be honest with ourselves here people. I'm not saying that the world isn't ending, but  I am saying that maybe Global warming is more of an accurate cause for these events. The Illuminati thing? The Da Vinci Code. .. Add a little bit of globalization and pop culture and there you have it.

The thing that annoys me most about this is that these statements come from people who hear about natural disasters  through Facebook and  never do research on their own. Sure they might watch CNN every once in a while, but that's the extent to it.  Being a Christian myself I feel that I can only critique the claims of those from my religion.

1. If you are religious, you should always be prepared for the "end times."
2. If your knowledge of the news and global happenings only extends to what you see on the television, you should not apply this to how the world is ending. The news we see needless to say is so skewed, there are MANY  things that happen that we never get to hear on our news source. Find some sources from over time that include those out of the United States,  and out of the mainstream media before you start  using it to prove the end of days.
3. You are not God, God is. He is the only one who knows when the world is ending. I am not religious as I believe I should be, and statements like this are probably why: People are always trying to use the Bible for their own cause. .. Look at World War two, wouldn't the world have been over then? Or the Second Congo War?? how many of you even KNOW what that is?  Please people before you quit your jobs, remember this Bible verse: Matthew 24:36... EVERY generation thinks the world is over during their time.

Like I said before, I didn't say that the world isn't ending, and it's not like I wouldn't care if it was, I just HATE it when people try to predict  when it is. We shouldn't wait for anyone, anything or any sign to start saving our planet and making a better world for ourselves.  Don't play God.  Just wait for the world to be over and donate some money to Japan in the mean time. Predicting the end of the world will just give you a headache.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fitness: Mobola Sulaiman's workout

Hello my dear readers! I must apologise for my late post. With personal matters and school, I had no time or mental strength to blog. As you know, if I put on a blog, it must be the best blog out there.
With that being said, I am back! And just in time for spring break! Whether yours has already passed, or just around the corner, this blog is just in time to get ready for the warm weather.

Since my freshen year, I have trying to stay in shape. There are other people however who are way better at this then me. I was privileged enough to meet someone who is serious about her workout routine. We were in step together also, and she is an amazing dancer! If you don't already know who I am talking about, Mobola Sulaiman (Mo) a toxicology major, is someone that I am pleased to interview! Below are the questions and her answers!

Many of us are afraid to go to work out or go to the weight room. Mo never shies away from this, "I love to be in the weight room with all the boys. It gives me motivation to be stronger and to show them I am not just a girlie girl." Working out seriously for two years seriously now, she hits the gym 5 or 6 days a week. In high school she was made fun of for her size. " I didn't really get into sports until 10th grade. That's when I was at my highest weight, and it didn't prioritize itself through my body evenly, so I decided to join the dance team to get more active, and because I love to dance and move my body." Inspired by Venus and Serena Williams, Mo joined the tennis team. Finally, her senior year, she joined the track team because of her friend Jennifer. "She has an amazing body, and I wanted that as well."I just wanted to dabble in different things non academically, so I just tried whatever seemed to have the lowest risk of injury."
Mo's motivation to stay healthy didn't just start from high school. She explains that that she loves the fact that she is expanding her lifespan." Everyone in my family is obese, and I don't want to end up on that route. I would like to help them live healthier lifestyles as well, but it is kind of hard being far away." After training for a while, Mo has decided to Join the NPC athlete (National Physique Committee)."I will be competing in my first bikini competition in March. I'm going in trying to have fun and see if I like it, after that I am hoping to be a certified trainer. During the competition, Mo's goal will be to win the bikini competitions for March and April.

Mo found out about the
NPC contest through her trainer Dave Meyers last summer as he was preparing for a contest of his own (the national guard), and his girlfriend was also preparing for one as well. " She was participating in the bikini division. I wanted to train, but didn't want to get too bulky like Ms. Olympia, but I wanted to have a strong and healthy body. I also missed being on stage (due to not stepping anymore) so I needed a way to have my stage time."

"It's nice now to know that I am the opposite of my classmates, I don't drink or smoke..." But Mo admits that doing this is not so easy. When asked if she found it hard living her healthy life as a college student, she responded, "I do find it difficult.
#1. The food is expensive, because I want the best fuel for my body.
#2. There are so many temptations everywhere. Taco Bell, etc. I stick to the sushi on campus, because it is the healthiest.
#3. There is a time demand on my schedule with eating, and classes, etc. But I like that I have to be structured to fit everything in. I have learned to be more organized and disciplined.
#4. Friends, family, and significant others are the biggest obstacle I think. Bodybuilding is a selfish sport in itself. The ones closest to you have to be your biggest supporters on your team, especially as time gets closer to stage time. Many relationships can be torn apart due to the sport. You just have to ask yourself "will it be worth it in the end?" and the answer is of course it will!!!! If it is something you love and enjoy, then it is definitely worth it.

With all these things that distract her from her from achieving her goals, many of you are asking how does she do it? what motivates her to keep on track. Here, she explains that they come from a variety of places. magazines like Oxygen, Fitness Rx, Muscle&Fitness Hers, are just a few that help her out. she also pulls through with online sources such as bodybuilding.com, which is a social networking site for those interested in fitness. of course facebook, because of the support that she gets from her friends and looking at the progress through pictures is helpful as well.
With anything a person does, a personal drive has to be in there. Mo sees this all the way."Bodybuilding is a psychological sport, and when I feel like I don't want to anymore, I envision myself on stage strutting my stuff and all eyes on me, and damn do I look good. LOL!" last but not least, Mo gets support from others. My support system is pretty strong, even though I have a few downers, I do have strong supporters on my team, and they make sure I am on track." Its very important that whatever you are doing, you need to keep your head strong from all those who try to bring you down. It was amazing that Mo has found a system to continue her goals, despite struggles negativity school etc.

I posted a blog on workout tips, but Mo has a few more for you here:
1. If you have any health issues consult your doctor first before starting any type of exercise program.
2. Go with a friend. Working out with a friend is fun, and keeps the motivation level up.
3. Don't be afraid to lift weights. That is the only way to get a sexy sleek physique.
4. Working out and dieting go hand in hand, there isn't one without the other to attain that super model physique.
5. Stay motivated and properly informed. There are plenty sites and books to get you started. bodybuilding.com got me started and I am still a member on the site. I love it, everyone is soooo supportive and motivating.
6. Stay properly nourished and hydrated.

Mo's, her upcoming competitions are the NPC Upper Midwest Championship in Fargo, ND (NDSU) March 26th, followed by the Gopher State Classic in Eden Prairie, MN (Eden Prairie High School) on April 2nd.
Visit www.mnnpc.com for more info on the competitions if interested about competing, show tickets, or general information.
for those who want more contact information you can reach her on facebook
or email: mobolasulaiman@gmail.com

Thanks for staying in the know! xoxo until next time