Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Memories last forever
A soul transcends time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

African Week!

2:35 am. my day just got done.

I am so excited for african night to arrive! but before that, we have African week! We will be showing movies artwork and dancing in the CSU. ASA will be put on the map this year and everyone will know who we are.

i am so happy! But like mentioned before, It's trying. I just have to keep remembering that it will all pay off. I know that many people want me to fail and I don't strive off of that! I strive off of those who come to EVERY practice, those who performed last year, and are continuing to perform again. Those students who JUST got here this semester and are already heavily involved. I strive off of success, positive energy and happiness. This repels any negativity that could ever come my way.  I strive off of the outcome I know will come! For those of you who want to see us fail I say this: You will be truly sorry. nothing can tear apart a nation or a group. We are stronger then ever this year.

ASA has taught me to have tough skin,  but  it has made me realize who I am. Most importantly,  I know now that not everyone will like me, and most of them will not have a good reason for that. I am goofy, weird, crazy and shy at times. I like to make jokes, I like to make connections, and I like for people to get involved.  Of those many things many feel that they are weaknesses or childlike features. But you know what? you only live once. I'm not going to waist my life or any second of it trying to please a person or two because they don't like how I act and my personality! My friends love who I am, my family loves who I am and that's what matters.
With all this said, I cannot wait for African week to come! Monday starts off the event with an art gallery in the CSU ballroom! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

African Night: Holding on to Traditions

Since I have been to MNSU I have gone to African Night. If someone would have told me that I would be president of this organization I would have thought they were lying. Now our biggest event is coming up and I can't wait for it to start.

Holding on to traditions
We always want to have a continuation of last years theme, and this year, Holding on to Traditions was voted in. Simple yet bold, this theme says it all; We are here now, and we still have our African culture and would love to share that. Holding on to traditions also shows how African culture has become "main stream" in those African and non African alike. Jazz is a common example I can think of.  This night will amaze you: We will show off African Culture and talent as well as African dance through many and different ways.

Like last year we will be donating part of the ticket sales to our charity, last year it was only $1, this year its $2, because  we are raising money for two charities.

I am very interested to see the outcome, and by no means am I saying that this is going to be flawless yet. Only hard work and time can tell that.  I must say this however: With all the hard work our coordinators are putting in, I have a good feeling that things will run smoothly. Thank you to those who are helping me out, you know you are!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sell yourself on facebook

Social networking can have its advantages and disadvantages. For those of you in college, my advice is this:  This is the time where our facebook/twitter and other social networking devices must be updated and changing with us to a more business setting. I know that  I have to do this. I know many  who have gotten tired with facebook and other social networking sites because they feel that it has no use for them. For those of you who are sticking it out, here are some simple benefits I have found useful from facebook.
1. It Makes you Noticed. If you are in the type of job market that you know your employers will be looking at your facebook, then make it the best facebook around! sell yourself! If you want to be a model, put up damn good pictures. If you want to be a writer, have damn good notes, or if you want to work with business, promote products and sell your things there! These networking sites can be the gateway for the rest of your life. While you may not be famous over night, you will at least find those alike and create networking.
2. If facebook is some place that you don't think your job will look at, or if you think they will look at it to weed you out, then you might be in luck.  But remember this;  many people feel that your social networking is an extension of you; how much of yourself would you show to a new friend, or a new job? I always think, what if my parents had facebook? 
3. Watch what you post. This is so easy to say, but people post some weird things! If you are young, don't post yourself doing illegal things. know how you look in your pictures, know what you are wearing, and don't let people take pictures of you if you don't know them. I'm lucky to have had good friends who agreed with me. Of course I'm not going to say that every picture that I put on facebook is amazing, But I think if a job is looking at them, I would be able to justify them :)
remember these simple tips and you will be great!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Social Issues: MLK

In a percent world MLK, day would not be one of those holidays that no one cares about, which I feel like it is. Only last year did I change my facebook profile pic for his day. When I was younger, this day was like a precursor to black history month, and everyone in class would stare at me like I knew him or something. 

If you don't know the history of MLK, even wikipedia has basic information on the man, the legend. 
All I want to say is this: maybe 50 years from now, people won't use his name and his good deeds as an EXCUSE to get things unequally, rather think of his memory and use it to further themselves. I hope 50 years from now, it won't be the holiday only kids like because it gets them out of school, or only during an election of a black man that we say, hmm it's MLK day. I know that I  have been victim to this, but when you actually THINK about what this man did, 
it inspires me. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hair Questions

I never wanted to do a blog just about hair, but after the "success" of my hair post, I think I will try it again. here, I will address some questions that were brought up from my blog.
1. I thought you were going natural?  There are a lot of things implied in that statements. I dyed my hair red a while ago so for some Im not "natural" anymore. The only thing I'm "going to" is school :) what I'm doing with my hair is this: I cut it a while back, and now I'm not going to relax it. Bbraids? maybe but it always cuts my hair. Weave? maybe for graduation but it gives me a headache and I can never take care of mine. Straightening it? well that requires heat   which is not good for your hair. Wig? I don't think so, maybe for fun!
2. Can you give me any tips on my hair?: No, not really, I'm "experimenting" with mine. Sorry. I'm not an expert, but I can lead you to here here and here for some great sources. (especially the last two. Love them!) 
3. So what is your opinion on... hair?:  Simple answer is I don't have one. I like My  hair to be heathy, I don't really care about what your hair is (natural, nappy, fake, real) it's yours if you bought it, and if you feel good then I think that is what really matters. 

4. What are you going to do with your hair?: Right now winter makes my hair difficult. So this weekend, I might do some cornrows or some two twists. thing about two twists for me is that it shrinks up the next day, so I think i'm going to braid them for a week, and then switch up to two twists the other week (I'll have someone do them for me).
5. What are some hairstyles you love?: Everything I put on this blog plus more.  I think a good hairstyle goes with a great outfit.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


So I went to the gym today and I felt so  disappointed in myself. It's not that I didn't do anything, I just didn't have the "drive" that I did yesterday. I blame this on several things:
1. Not stretching. Or not enough. I usually stretch at home and at the gym before working out, yesterday, I didn't stretch at home. 
2. Lack of motivation. Because I didn't stretch as much I felt soar, and it quickly left me feeling useless. I usually love to "feel the pain," it feels really good to me, like I know that it's working, but today I just couldn't. 

My advice to those of you who are feeling this slump is to take it easy. Instead of just leaving the gym, I decided to make this a "cool-down day" instead. Of course, I made myself push through the abs workout, but spent the rest of the time in the weight room. Usually that's where i end my workout, but I decided to let that be my whole workout. I also felt like walking around the track. 

Here's a quick post hope you can get a bit more insight on how to get over your slump!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fitness: Working out

Hello everyone! As the new year proceeds, many of us set goals for ourselves, today, I will be talking about one of then and how to achieve it. 
The  biggest thing about being healthy is eating right and exercising more I will focus on working out; especially if your goal is to lose weight, However many of us get caught up in where to begin. Alas, here are a few tips to help you out! 
1. Find a partner and push each other. It is very easy to think you have done enough when your alone. This way, you can keep taps on each other, and help each other stay on course. 
2. Break down your goal so that you have check points. For example: if you are trying to lose 50 pounds total, set a goal to lose 5 pounds each month, and have specific weigh ins. This leaves you with two months to maintain your goal wight. 
3. Set a schedule. This is something you must do for any goal you make. Time management is very important and if you are like me, you have to plan for things or you will be unorganized quickly. You should first pick days you want to go to the gym, and that fit in you schedule. Next, pick times and stick to it. Once you plan out when you want to go to the gym, plan out what you are going to do and for how long. 
4. find a personal trainer. For the college student, this might be a bit hard because of finical constraints. but you could take a fitness class instead. What I have written are only tips; I am no professional, so always seek that help. This leads me to my 5th point,
5. See a doctor. Many people think that the only time you go to a doctor is when you are sick but a doctor is there for your health and well being. If you are tyring to lose a few pounds, see a doctor to make sure that you are doing it in a healthy way. they can give you more specific health tips and signs designed for your body type. its important to get the low down form someone professional. 

Hope this helps all of you! Happy New year