Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sell yourself on facebook

Social networking can have its advantages and disadvantages. For those of you in college, my advice is this:  This is the time where our facebook/twitter and other social networking devices must be updated and changing with us to a more business setting. I know that  I have to do this. I know many  who have gotten tired with facebook and other social networking sites because they feel that it has no use for them. For those of you who are sticking it out, here are some simple benefits I have found useful from facebook.
1. It Makes you Noticed. If you are in the type of job market that you know your employers will be looking at your facebook, then make it the best facebook around! sell yourself! If you want to be a model, put up damn good pictures. If you want to be a writer, have damn good notes, or if you want to work with business, promote products and sell your things there! These networking sites can be the gateway for the rest of your life. While you may not be famous over night, you will at least find those alike and create networking.
2. If facebook is some place that you don't think your job will look at, or if you think they will look at it to weed you out, then you might be in luck.  But remember this;  many people feel that your social networking is an extension of you; how much of yourself would you show to a new friend, or a new job? I always think, what if my parents had facebook? 
3. Watch what you post. This is so easy to say, but people post some weird things! If you are young, don't post yourself doing illegal things. know how you look in your pictures, know what you are wearing, and don't let people take pictures of you if you don't know them. I'm lucky to have had good friends who agreed with me. Of course I'm not going to say that every picture that I put on facebook is amazing, But I think if a job is looking at them, I would be able to justify them :)
remember these simple tips and you will be great!

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