Saturday, January 15, 2011


So I went to the gym today and I felt so  disappointed in myself. It's not that I didn't do anything, I just didn't have the "drive" that I did yesterday. I blame this on several things:
1. Not stretching. Or not enough. I usually stretch at home and at the gym before working out, yesterday, I didn't stretch at home. 
2. Lack of motivation. Because I didn't stretch as much I felt soar, and it quickly left me feeling useless. I usually love to "feel the pain," it feels really good to me, like I know that it's working, but today I just couldn't. 

My advice to those of you who are feeling this slump is to take it easy. Instead of just leaving the gym, I decided to make this a "cool-down day" instead. Of course, I made myself push through the abs workout, but spent the rest of the time in the weight room. Usually that's where i end my workout, but I decided to let that be my whole workout. I also felt like walking around the track. 

Here's a quick post hope you can get a bit more insight on how to get over your slump!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you, I have those days a lot. It's good to push yourself because you know ur working out for the better and it leads to a healthier life and a positive outcome. Motivation is what keep me going and I'm going to try to workout more often too. lol


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