Saturday, August 21, 2010

questions about France part 2

The long awaited part two of my blog is finally here! these are the rest of the answers to the questions that were asked of me! enjoy!
How do French people dress: French people dress simple. One thing I noticed as a style was dressing like your grandma. The style hasn’t hit America yet, but there are small things that are yet to come.

These shoes are a great example of what I mean. Simple yet stylish, this would be paired with a knee high skirt and a slightly baggy shirt tucked in. It's very grandma.
The same thing goes for men. Grandpa is in. fitted, NOT tight jeans are what most guys have; specifically Ones that can be roiled up easily. Slightly baggy shirts that may be v necks, and Loafers, converse, and simple “Mr. Rodgers” shoes and sweater is in as well ( these shoes also work for girls). If you want to look stylish, just think of the Mr. Rodgers style. And of course, Ray Ban glasses are a must have.
Another style that I see creeping in is the African inspired look. I see the patterns sneaking up in stores, the outfits are coming in with a western twist as well.

The next question will lead into the next one about the economy of France as well so pay close attention :)
“Are French people skinny?:” yes and this IS because of their small McDonald's.
French people (or at least those in La Rochelle) eat very healthy food and local as well. They try to avoid fast food, and every evening meal is like a feast. BUT I must say this: I feel as though French people are skinny because it is to expensive in Europe.
A a large McDonald's is our small but COSTS THE SAME AS OUR LARGE. A coffee literately comes in something the size of a Dixie cup, and you pay at least 3 euros for it. If you eat in the restaurant (no matter what it is) you pay extra. All the close stores are robbing you of your money ( in Paris) and therefor, its better to go to the supermarche and get your things, where there, every store looks like an aldi’s, or go to the outside marche, where the food is fresh and local. t
As mentioned before, everything is expensive in France. Going to the laundry mat in Paris was an ordeal. It costs 4 euro to wash my cloths, and then .80 centime to dry for 8 min! in the states I freak out about having to pay 2.50! very different! Also, since water is very expensive, showers must be taken quickly, and one must wet themselves with the water, soap, then rinse off. I think that this is a good practice to keep water.
How are the theaters and the attractions?: amazing! I feel as though I have been to every castle and church that there is in Paris. My favorite was Le Louvre, because I found some African art section and took amazing pictures that I will print out for the ASA art exhibit! I cannot wait. Part of me was mad however to see those things in France, and not in their respective countries. The Eiffel tower was amazing as well, when we were bord, we just went there to hang out. There were moments that I felt so everjoyed, and really took in the moment as to what I was doing: being bord, and just deciding to hang out at the effile tower! What a chance that I have! I'm so glad that I could expirence it. The majority of the sites are packed, but one has to know what times to go. Early in the morning works amazing for most things, and as for the Eiffel tower, we saw it in the evening and it was fine, as to which I was surprised.
What are you doing there?: Great question! Taking a French class while living with a French family. There are two schools that came with us, and some random people who came alone form other countries. I usually go to the beach after school.
There is so much about France that I could say, this expirence was something of a lifetime! thanks for all your questions. I feel that when I came back, I was somehow different, in a good way, and I made lifetime friends! I cannot wait to go back there again!

1 comment:

  1. french culture was always a mystery to me. it's good to hear about it from your first hand experience. I can't believe that u hv to be stingy about water.

    French style was always the center of attention, grandma and grandpa style does not appeal to me lol. I think Japanese street wear is grabbing more attention now.


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