Monday, January 17, 2011

Social Issues: MLK

In a percent world MLK, day would not be one of those holidays that no one cares about, which I feel like it is. Only last year did I change my facebook profile pic for his day. When I was younger, this day was like a precursor to black history month, and everyone in class would stare at me like I knew him or something. 

If you don't know the history of MLK, even wikipedia has basic information on the man, the legend. 
All I want to say is this: maybe 50 years from now, people won't use his name and his good deeds as an EXCUSE to get things unequally, rather think of his memory and use it to further themselves. I hope 50 years from now, it won't be the holiday only kids like because it gets them out of school, or only during an election of a black man that we say, hmm it's MLK day. I know that I  have been victim to this, but when you actually THINK about what this man did, 
it inspires me. 

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